Month: January 2020

Legal Innovation Surveys Around the World

Legal innovation surveys and market research reports have cropped up in several jurisdictions and regions in recent years to take the pulse of the legal profession undergoing the innovation journey. These are highly valuable and hopefully there will be quality longitudinal data gathered, as continuous feedback is a critical factor of legal innovation. The following

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Hong Kong LegalTech Outlook 2020

“Not yet” is still the short answer. Private sector adoption by law firms in Hong Kong has been growing pretty well, and the buyers’ market reflects comparably to leading international trends in the U.S. and Europe. So, what would it take for Hong Kong’s legaltech moment to truly arrive? The Fundamentals Hong Kong should be

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Roaring into the ’20s: Dispelling 10 personal beliefs to welcome the next 10 years

Over the last nine years, I have learnt a lot. My best lessons are where strongly held beliefs are dispelled, or significantly changed. Now, I’d like to believe that these beliefs were held strongly because there was some truth to them. So, to dispel such beliefs, there must have been greater truth discovered and insight

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