Category: Youth

Roaring into the ’20s: Dispelling 10 personal beliefs to welcome the next 10 years

Over the last nine years, I have learnt a lot. My best lessons are where strongly held beliefs are dispelled, or significantly changed. Now, I’d like to believe that these beliefs were held strongly because there was some truth to them. So, to dispel such beliefs, there must have been greater truth discovered and insight

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How to do British Parliamentary debates

I developed my debating skills in secondary school inter-school competitions and similar competitions during my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including at the Oxford Union (where many famous debates were conducted in the past). These skills have served me well in my legal and business careers, and whenever the Socratic method becomes relevant. Over the last few

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My experiences in youth leadership engagement

In my recent visit to Geneva, I spoke with Dr. David Nabarro, the Special Adviser on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to the United Nations Secretary-General, about the youth leadership at a World Economic Forum event. He said that youth is a time of transformation and experimentation. We discussed about the issues of establishing opportunities for developing young

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Sustainable development briefing: Global Shapers at UN Geneva office

How individuals can help effect sustainable development and inclusive growth: (i) Stimulate a culture of “citizen accounting” and audit your government for the future; (ii) Adopt a “systems thinking” mindset; (iii) Proactively engage stakeholders and have a good understanding of collective interests; (iv) Create safe spaces for authentic dialogue; (v)
Be a “stropist” in implementing the SDGs.

[Five lessons from the ACM] Lesson 5: Points of reflection

The Annual Curators Meeting 2016 (“ACM”) provided many useful lessons for effective contribution to the Global Shapers Community. I was privileged to represent the Hong Kong Hub as its Deputy Curator. Here is the last of the five lessons I learnt. The ACM made me reflect on several things about being a Shaper. It made me a better advocate for youth

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What does good look like? An evening with civil society leaders

The Millennial stereotype is a working hypothesis. What we do know is that socially engaged young people with technology have made enormous impact in their communities. So, we should involve young people in decision-making and policy-making activities while they are young to improve the world. Young people’s voices are by themselves no less legitimate than older voices. In some cases, socially engaged young people have much to contribute to society.

[Five lessons from the ACM] Lesson 4: Harnessing the interconnections of the network

The Annual Curators Meeting 2016 (“ACM”) provided many useful lessons for effective contribution to the Global Shapers Community. I was privileged to represent the Hong Kong Hub as its Deputy Curator. Here is the fourth of the five lessons I learnt. Connecting hubs with common goals to work on projects and yielding high synergy are pillar objectives, giving the meaning

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[Five lessons from the ACM] Lesson 3: Youth leadership begins with robust values

The Annual Curators Meeting 2016 (“ACM”) provided many useful lessons for effective contribution to the Global Shapers Community. I was privileged to represent the Hong Kong Hub as its Deputy Curator. Here is the third of the five lessons I learnt. The value of youth per se The Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (“Forum”), Prof. Klaus Schwab

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[Five lessons from the ACM] Lesson 2: Roadmap to building a stronger hub

The Annual Curators Meeting 2016 (“ACM”) provided many useful lessons for effective contribution to the Global Shapers Community. I was privileged to represent the Hong Kong Hub as its Deputy Curator. Here is the second of the five lessons I learnt. The World Economic Forum (“Forum”) held 16 sets of workshops to help Shapers enhance the operation of their hubs in four

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